
Year in Review

Just completed my last freelance project of 2018, and despite some failures/stumbles over the past 12 months, there was a large of amount of progression in my overall career and life! My freelancing business almost tripled in scope and output compared to last two years combined, and that doesn’t include the intense development of THE VOIID store-front (coming Q1 of next year - official branding is below) or the complex story outline I began writing/constructing as a fun side-side project.


So without being too gushy - I wanted to say thank you to everyone for your support this year, especially to everyone who put their trust in my artistic vision and direction. Most of the projects I worked on this year conceived a large amount of work that I’m immensely proud of.

If this year taught me anything career-wise, it’s obvious that I need to be more engaged with you, my audience. I’m hoping to achieve more of an online presence next year, as well as find more ways to showcase my work in-person (i.e. conventions, industry events). Letting my pieces speak for themselves has only gotten me so far, and it’s incredibly apparent that I need to crack my introverted, misanthropic shell a bit and learn to love myself as much as I love my quirky creations and thoughts in order to progress.

Here’s to the new year and a more empathetic majority.

- Rob

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